Collection of
plastic waste
A cleaning device developed by Clewat is one of the few concrete solutions to the marine plastic waste problem that works. The advantages of our devices are versatility, environmental friendliness and efficiency.
Plastic waste in the ocean is one of the largest environmental problems, which affects all the seas of the world.
It is estimated that there are currently over 150 million tons of plastic waste in the seas and 10 million tons more of plastic waste are transported annually into the seas.
If no action is taken, the amount of plastic waste going to the seas each year will rise up to 29 millions tonnes in 2040. Marine waste problems are solved through efficient waste management, the reduction of plastic use and the collection of waste that has already ended up in the sea, for recycling, if possible. Our environmental experts help with this holistic work.

When plastic particles get into the sea, it won’t disappear, instead, it slowly grinds into microscopically small particles, microplastic.
There are no sea areas in the world where there is no garbage. Every minute one truckload of plastic is dumped into the sea. The sea has been treated as a landfill and the consequences are now visible. The plastic waste must be removed from the water as soon as possible.
We can do better. Already today.
Instead of good intentions for the future, the Clewat solution is available and operating now. We bring new efficiency into the fight for saving the seas. We develop and manufacture water cleaning vessels that are able to clean up garbage and microplastics from waterways. The technology of our vessel is based on the creation and utilization of water flow.
Our product is a catamaran raft which, with the booms in front, collects garbage at the mouth of the vessel, where the water flow is regulated so, that various garbage and impurities end up on the vessel’s conveyor and further sorted into trash. By adjusting the length of the booms, the width of the area to be treated, can be increased even over a kilometer.

A cleaning device developed by Clewat is one of the few concrete solutions to the marine plastic waste problem that works. We are able to collect from the water up to half a millimeter-sized particles, and at most our equipment can collect as much as 200 cubic meters of biomass per hour.